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How to Increase Amazon CTR

how to increase amazon ctr

As many Amazon sellers know, your Click-Through Rate (CTR) is among the top most important metrics to track and improve. It is the second step in the funnel of making the sale on Amazon.

In order to sell on Amazon, you first need to get shoppers to see your product. These are called Impressions. Once your product is on their screen you want them to click on it. This is where maximizing your Amazon click through rate comes into play. 

It’s useless if shoppers always just scroll past your listing. You want to stop them in their tracks, catching their attention and enticing them to click on your listing. Improving your Amazon CTR will achieve this goal.

How Do I Find My CTR on Amazon?

You work out your CTR by dividing the amount of clicks your listing receives by impressions, then multiply that by 100.

There are 2 different places that you can track your CTR in Amazon. Your Amazon ads CTR and the CTR for your organic listings.

How to Calculate CTR for Organic Listings

There is nowhere on Amazon that shows your CTR for your organic listings, so you need to work it out yourself. Here are the steps you can take to work it out.

1. Go into Seller Central

2. Navigate to Brand Analytics

amazon brand analytics

3. Go into the "Search Query Performance" Report.

amazon search query performance report

This report shows you the performance of impressions, clicks, cart adds and purchases on every keyword individually for either your whole brand or each ASIN. Use ASIN View to see the metrics for a single product.

To calculate your conversion rate for a particular keyword, you must divide the amount in the ‘Search Funnel - Clicks | ASIN Count’ column by the ‘Search Funnel - Impressions | ASIN Count’ column then multiply that by 100.

how to calculate amazon ctr with search query performance report

In this case for the first keyword our CTR for week 11 was 3/81 = 0.037 * 100 = 3.7%.

You can select the time range and time period that you wish to see the data for. To find the CTR for the product as a whole rather than each keyword you have to calculate the percentage of each keyword and find the average.

Amazon Ads Click-Through Rate

To find your Amazon PPC CTR you just need to navigate to your Amazon ads dashboard where you can see metrics for each of your PPC campaigns, including the CTR.

The average CTR for Amazon Ads is 0.4%, so a good CTR for Amazon Ads would be anywhere from 0.5% and higher.

How to Improve CTR on Amazon

There are many factors in determining how well your listing attracts clicks, and focusing on improving these factors will boost how many clicks you receive. Having a good CTR also plays a large role in how well your listings SEO performs so it is super important to improve it.

Main Image

This is the number one most influential factor in your CTR. In a sea of product listings, your main image needs to be the one that the shopper notices. Make it stand out from the crowd. Having a better main image than the competition will give you a significant advantage when competing for those precious clicks.

Your main image needs to quickly and effectively tell the potential customer what your product is, allowing them to know that your product is the solution to their needs. Here are some tips to improve your main image:

Bright colors: If possible use bright colors in your main image. This has a higher chance of capturing the shoppers attention.

Eliminate white space: Don’t leave a gap at the top, bottom or either side of the image. Of course sometimes you can’t completely fill the image, but make sure that at least 2 sides are filled.

Show how the product is used: If the product is something that you use to achieve results, show the result. For example, if you are selling a dye, include a dyed shirt in the main image. 

If it is something like a kitchen appliance, it often helps to show the product in use.

Include packaging: Show packaging in the background of your image. Even if it is not the same packaging that it is shipped in, you can still use this to communicate extra information such as quantity etc. You can also include a text overlay on the product.

Made in the USA: If your product is made in the USA, this can be an excellent thing to add into your main image.

One very important way to make sure that you are using the right main image is to run A/B tests on Amazon. Amazon allows you to run A/B tests on your main image along with other parts of your listing.

Use data to see which main image performs the best.

Another option is to use Pickfu to split test your main images before you create your listing. This way, you can be sure that it will generate the most amount of sales from the start.


The title is another important factor in CTR. Your title tells shoppers what your product is, allowing them to realize that they have found what they are searching for. Fill your title with features about your product so they can better understand what it does for them.

If a shopper sees the exact search term in your title that they searched for, they are more likely to click on your product, as this assures them that it is relevant. Here are some tips to optimize your title:

Keywords: Place your most important keyword near the front of your title. This is the easiest way that you can tell shoppers what your product is.

Brand Name: If the product you are selling has a brand, the brand name should be the very first part of the title. When shoppers see a brand that they are familiar with and may have used in the past, they already know that you are legitimate and will have a much higher chance of clicking on your product.

Key Features: Include any key features or standout points in your title. Having all the necessary information such as color, size and quantity etc. will tell the shopper if your product is the right choice for what they are looking for. 

Made in the USA: Again, if your product is made in the USA, put that in the title.

Holidays: Around the time of Christmas and other holidays, include keywords such as “Christmas Gift for Men” in the title. This will increase the visibility of your product during these times and since most people will be searching for gifts, they will be more likely to click on your listing when you actually tell them this in the title.

As with images, you should A/B test your product titles in Amazon to see which one achieves the highest visibility and attracts more clicks.


Many shoppers don’t care that much about quality and will just go for the cheapest option. This doesn’t mean you should just lower your prices though, but price will affect how many people click on your listing. Better quality items need higher prices. Test with different prices to see what allows you to make the most profit.

One strategy to increase your CTR with pricing is to use the “list price”. When creating a listing in Seller Central you can set the list price higher than the price that you are actually selling the product for. This will display the list price with a strikethrough next to the actual price, making it look like it is on sale.

P.S. The List Price will only be displayed if that product was either purchased by customers or offered by other sellers at or above the List Price on Amazon in the past 90 days for non-seasonal products and 180 days for seasonal products.

Free Shipping

Who doesn’t want free shipping? In fact, why would you even buy a product without free shipping? Offering free shipping is essential these days if you want to maximize your sales potential. 

Over 70% of shoppers are more likely to complete a purchase with free shipping. This just proves how important it is to offer free delivery when selling online. It is even worthwhile to raise your prices slightly to be able to offer free shipping.


Ratings play a huge part in helping the potential customer determine whether your brand is legitimate or not. Shoppers can look at your ratings and reviews to see if other customers find your product useful. 

Picture you come across a listing with 2 and a half stars. You would probably avoid that listing and click on the next one with 4 and a half stars. Positive reviews prove that customers are satisfied with your product.

Amazon Badges

There are many badges that Amazon can place on your listing that will make it more attractive for shoppers to click on. Here’s a list of Amazon badges with what they mean and how to earn them:

Best-Seller Badge: This badge is given to the top 100 best sellers in a particular category and subcategory. These are based solely on sales data so it is crucial to consistently sell more products than your competitors. 

Amazon Choice Badge: The Amazon Choice badge is given to products that are the best match for the keywords that the shopper is searching for. To earn the Amazon Choice Badge your product needs to have a high customer rating, high conversion rate, be optimized for frequently searched keywords and finally be eligible for Prime.

New Release Badge: The New Release badge is available for the first 90 days of your product being launched. It’s earned by generating a high amount of sales after being released.

Climate Pledge Friendly Badge: This badge indicates that your product meets specific environmental or sustainability standards. It will be displayed after your product is certified by any of Amazon’s 18 sustainability certification partners. You can ask for Amazon to add this badge to your listing as long as it has required certification.

Amazon Prime Badge: If your product has the Prime Badge it will rank higher in the search results than non-prime products and will increase your chance of winning the Buy Box. To earn this badge you need to be enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime. 

Limited Time Deal: This is displayed on products with deals that are available for a limited time. You can create your own deals in Seller Central.

Coupons: You can run coupons for your product listings in Amazon that allows customers to save money on your product. You can see these coupons in the listing preview of the search engine results page and apply them inside the listing.


Implement these tips into your Amazon strategy to see your Click-Through Rates increase and achieve better sales results.

Winning the click against the crowd of competition is a tough job and the first step in making a sale.

Not sure if your products are fully optimized for a great CTR? Let us give you a free audit of your overall Amazon store and we will show you what needs improvement. Click the button below to boost your Amazon success.

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